Waratah 2 – ‘Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson’

The preschool children at Tillys Waratah 2 participated in the Daniel Morcombe Foundation ‘Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson’. The lesson addresses personal safety and reinforces that all children have the right to be safe and should be allowed to feel as though they can talk about anything. See it here below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i7HoGwSejs&feature=youtu.be


Cardiff Tillys Rated EXCEEDING

Tillys Cardiff has been assessed and rated ‘EXCEEDING National Quality Standard’! Education and care services are assessed and rated by ACECQA (The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority) against the National Quality Standard (NQS) that sets a benchmark for the quality of all education and care services across Australia. Being rated Exceeding, Tillys Cardiff…
