The Preschool Room at Greta Tillys has started a new insect project this year as the children showed their interest in all the different insects they have been finding in the garden. 

We started off the year by looking at our special Insect Hotel in the playground, which we followed on with a wonderful book called ‘Bug Hotel’ by Libby Walden, which taught the children about lots of different insects that may come to visit our gardens.
The children really loved looking at the page about the life cycle of the butterfly which we extended this by making lovely butterfly paintings and looking at the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle.
As the children continued to find some amazing insects outside, we continued with bug stamping paintings throughout this week as well as insect themed resources being incorporated throughout the Preschool Room.
Today we introduced two amazing new pets which are some Spiny Leaf Insects. We have been creating a poll with lots of different suggestions of names for our stick insects which we will draw at the end of the week.
We also found a very big caterpillar in the sandpit today. We were googling different pictures of caterpillars, trying to find out what it could be when our Educator Ashlee said “That’s a Tomato Horned Caterpillar”. We have set him up in a tank in our room to see if he will soon turn into a moth.