“Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body.”

Enabling children to have a good relationship with food early on in life is the foundation to ensuring it continues into their future. It is important that children consume nutritionally sound food and beverage in appropriate quantities during their time at Tillys Play and Development Centres. Nutrition is key to healthy development and learning and as such it is important that children are provided with the opportunity to develop healthy lifestyle habits through foods and beverages provided and consumed during their time in our centres.
At Tillys Play and Development Centres, our menu plans have been specifically designed in conjunction with the Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents as per guidance from NSW Health, Good For Kids Good For Life and Feed Australia by our Approved Provider, who is certified in Cookery for Children’s Services. Our menu plans have been reviewed and Certified by Kayla Pennicott, our local Health Promotion Officer for the Munch & Move program across the Hunter New England LHD. Menu’s rotate every 8 weeks and are planned to ensure that the daily recommended dietary requirements are met through providing a variety of options of meat (or meat alternative), fruit, dairy, cereals and grains and vegetables. Meals and snacks are prepared in our service kitchens by our centre cooks and chefs, who source produce locally where possible. Our kitchens and food preparation practices are overseen by our Nominated Supervisors and Management Team in conformity with the Australian Food Safety Standards. Our centres comply with each child’s individual dietary or cultural requirements and are nut and egg free.
Mealtimes are a pleasant occurrence where children and educators are able to sit together and bond. These times are usually progressive at our services where children have the opportunity to come to the table to eat with their friends when they feel ready or are finished their part of play.
Tillys Cookbooks are also available for families who wish to prepare the same meals at home as we do at our services.
Our services where meals are not provided, families are encouraged to pack a nutritious lunch box with meals and snacks such as sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, cheese and yogurt.
Example Weekly Menu Plan