There is something really special about engaging young children in woodwork at Waratah 2.
It is so different from other activities. The smell and feel of wood, using real tools, the sounds of hammering and sawing, the use of strength and coordination, the focus and concentration on their little faces as they create, imagine and solve problems… they all go together to captivate and fascinate young children!
We have just started teaching our children about using real tools. So far, we have been practising using a palm drill to make holes in wood. For the worriers amongst you, be reassured that children are always supervised on a 1:1 basis when engaged with real tools but the benefits of children tinkering away are immeasurable!
“Children feel empowered and valued by being trusted and given responsibility to work with real tools. They accomplish tasks that they initially perceive to be difficult and they persist at challenging tasks. They show satisfaction in their mastery of new skills and take immense pride in their creations. This sense of empowerment and achievement provides a visible boost to their self-esteem and self-confidence. Children have a natural desire to construct and build. They learn how things work and discover that they can shape the world around them by making. This imparts a can-do attitude and imbues children with a strong sense of agency – having a proactive disposition towards the world – a belief they can shape their world!”
We have only just started introducing children to woodwork and we have a few projects underway… but it is already clear that the real transformation will be inside the child, as their self-esteem and confidence flourish!