Last week Waratah 2 received a lovely email from our Elders at Nova Care, thanking our children on their ‘rainbow creations’ .
Community involvement is beneficial in all areas of life. We see the impact it has in the work force and company culture, in schools, towns, and small businesses around the world. Perhaps, one of the greatest examples of the profound and inspiring ways that it impacts our society, is when we look at the benefits of community involvement in early childhood.
Children grow emotionally, intellectually, and physically through both their relationships and through their community. They might find this community in school or at home, on the playground, or in the backyard.
For children, community involvement and engagement produces long-term benefits in their lives. It gives them a sense of belonging and is crucial to the building of their identity.
Children grow in the context of their community. As they develop within their smaller community environments they begin to understand the wider society as a whole — what actions work and do not work, what values, sensitivities, and longings we share. The creation of a local community in early childhood becomes the supportive, positive, uplifting foundation of a child’s life. It helps them to learn about themselves. It helps them learn how to tackle challenges, build knowledge, and thrive.