Musical Instrument exploration in our Nursery Explorers room today at Singleton Tillys. This stemmed from a recent interest in sound exploration and cause and effect. Our Nursery children were eager to manipulate and feel the instruments and discover the sounds that they could make. Intentional Teaching from room leader Gabbie created a time within the morning to gather and investigate the instruments together, sharing instruments, listening and banging and clanging each piece sparked excitement, smiles, frowns and lots of noise.

Coincidently our Preschool room were outside this morning spontaneously exploring musical sound too. The preschool Inventors Room gathered once tidying the outdoor yard ready to head inside when someone noticed music coming from a neighbouring house. They listened carefully and it sounded like lots of different instruments, Allyra noticed that there was no one singing any words though. It sounded ‘magical’ and was getting louder.