Belonging in the Panda Cubs at Rutherford Tillys.
“Here is our land.”
“Here is our sky.”
“Here is our water.”
“Here are our friends”
“And here am I.”
“We acknowledge the Wonnarua people who live on this land in which we learn and which we play.”
In the Panda Cubs room we are focusing and working towards improving our connections and contributions to our communities. Throughout January we worked with the children and families to help welcome the children to transition into a new year. We have done this through intentional teaching experiences implementing and using our rooms Acknowledgement to Country along with art and craft to help the children feel safe, secure and support while also implementing diversity and culture into our learning journey.
“Here is our land” – was represented by the children painting on the land by sitting on the ground and using their hands to paint and create art as the colours represented cultures in our room.
“Here is our sky” – the children painted outside on colours that represented the sky along with colours that resemble diversity and inclusiveness to our room.
“Here is our water” – through intentional teaching for this experience we followed on using water colours for painting.
“Here are our friends” – was a group experience, the children engaged in painting with various colours on a sheet to display and demonstrate their connectedness and belonging to each other.
“And here am I” – we created individual rock paintings with the children where they again explored colour and finger painting. Each rock individually different represents the children.