At Fern Bay, we had a delightful morning inside on Wednesday with a special visitor which happened to be Sophie’s Grandmother ’Nana Di Di’ who had lived in Cambodia for 10 years. She showed us some amazing pictures of photos that she had taken when she lived there. The children seemed interested in how the Cambodian children played with their parent’s washing bucket by floating down the river in it. They couldn’t believe that they don’t have any toys to play with! The Pelican children also appeared awestruck that the children don’t have lollies to eat but sometimes ate fried crickets, cockroaches and frogs. Miss Mel explained ”When I went to visit we were taken to a spider village where the children have pet turantulas and they also eat them. Yes, Miss Mel ate a spider leg”.

We then practiced counting to three in the Camdoian language which Di Di told us was Khmer. We each took turns counting to three in Khmer. We then were introduced to how we say the words cat and dog in Khmer and Di Di explained they play a game like duck duck goose using the words Jema, Jema Jekai. The Pelican friends had lots of fun playing this game.