This morning at Muswellbrook Tillys children from the Toddler and Preschool room engaged in an ice experience. A number of large ice blocks were added to a tray with a variety of implements including paint brushes, droppers, playdough carving tools and spoons along with rock salt.
The children immediately began to explore the ice with their senses – initially with the sense of Sight, conversing with their peers and educators about the visual differences in the blocks of ice (some were coloured, some had sequins, some with ribbons); then their sense of Touch, quickly discovering they were very cold; some brave souls using their sense of Taste, daring to poke their tongues close to the block of ice before retreating; and lastly their sense of Hearing as they listened for the sounds of the ice cracking or the tools scraping on the surface of the ice.
As the children began to experiment with the tools they noticed that some had more of an immediate impact on the ice whereas others were a much slower process. Rock salt adhered to the sides of the ice and also altered the texture of the ice creating a bumpy surface for the children to explore. (EYLF Outcome 4.1 Children manipulate objects and experiment with cause and effect, trial and error, and motion).