Last week at a Tillys Fern Bay the children and educators have spent lots of time together engaging in our Reconciliation Week activities. Our Educators researched meaningful ways to involve the children in celebrating and recognising the significance of Reconciliation Week. Our Nursery rooms chose to engage the children creatively and work together to create a story blanket. This blanket is a large piece of canvas that each child added paint to in order to create their ‘place’. The mat symbolises a warm and safe place for all to come together and is a visual representation of each child’s place in the Sea Shell Room. The children enjoyed exploring various cultural colours, with the educators being intentional in providing colours that make up the Aboriginal flag and Torres Strait Islander flag. Throughout the week we listened to some traditional Indigenous music and the children enjoyed moving along with the beat. We engaged in yarning circles & recited our Acknowledgement of Country and encouraged the children to do the actions. We sang and used shakers to listen to Inanay (traditional Indigenous lullaby) and then sang some of our favourite actions songs from Play-school – Der Glumph, Everybody Do This, Heads and Shoulders, Cheeky Monkeys and If You’re Happy and You Know It.