National Child Protection Week is held annually from the 6th to the 12th of September and is an important week in terms of promoting the wellbeing and safety of Australia’s children.
This years theme is ‘Putting Children First’.
Putting children first means prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children. To grow up well, children need to feel safe and loved, have a chance to play and explore, have a say in decisions that affect them, and access to essential things like food, shelter and healthcare.
For children to thrive we need to come together as a community and put children’s needs first during National Child Protection Week and every week.
Over the course of this week, staff at Fern Bay will be sharing and reflecting on the things we already do to prioritise children’s safety and wellbeing.
Today, each educator was asked to read and sign a physical commitment to playing their part in keeping children safe and well. These commitments will be displayed in our staff room as a constant reminder of the critical and significant nature of our role.