Fern Bay has been busy with many experiments for National Science Week this week. Yesterday, we explored a variety of slimes. We made elmers slime, fluffy slime, and psyllium husk slime. Through making slime the children are experimenting and exploring with concepts of reactions and changes from liquids to solid, and exploring gravity and flow.
Today, the Rock Pool and Sea Shell rooms helped to make big lava lamps. The Pelican Room also made some lava lamps where they each got a thin tall plastic jar to make and take home. To make our lava lamps we added about 20mls of water measuring it with a measuring cylinder, we then added 100mls of baby oil. Next, we used a pipette to add a few drops of food colouring. We watched as the dye moved through the oil, staying in their droplets and then oozing into the water, and mixing into the water. For the next step we added a quarter of an alkaline seltzer tablet and watched the reaction. The bubbles of colour moved up and down inside our test tube. They were then ready for us to take home at the end of the day!