Covid-19 Updated Practices
We would like to further inform you of the current actions we are continuing to take at Tillys Play and Development Centres in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19). In order to reduce the chances of undetected cases of COVID-19 spreading throughout the centre and community, we are taking the following actions:
– All families will now be required to drop off and pick children up from centre entries. No families will be allowed into the children’s rooms.
– Additional hand sanitiser stations have been set up at centre entries and throughout the centre.
– Additional signage set up throughout the centre reminding children/families/visitors to practice hand hygiene.
– Additional supervised hand washing sessions added to daily routine for children and staff – hand washing posters in all bathrooms.
– Temperatures of children and staff are to be taken using a non-contact forehead thermometer before entering the service.
– Age appropriate discussions on cough and sneeze etiquette with the children.
– Daily sanitising of sandpit with Germex after each use. Possible closure of sandpit if playground and supervision plan allow.
– Children’s and staff hats are being washed daily.
– Children’s belongings, including bed linen, to be sent home each day even if the child is enrolled to return the following day.
– Kitchen is only accessed by the centre cook during hours of food preparation, with the exception of late staff on closing the centre.
– Resources, furniture, toys, equipment, door handles and railings are being constantly sanitised between use.
– All water bottles for children 12 months and over have been replaced with single use cups and water jugs. Cups to be sanitised in centre dishwasher after each use. Drink breaks are closely monitored by staff.
– Multiple use, washable cleaning cloths to be replaced with single use paper towel for cleaning of bathrooms, bench and tabletops, chairs etc.
– Self-serve mealtimes have been suspended and meals will be served by staff only. Meal times are progressive where possible to minimise groups of children eating together at the same time.
– Playgroup sessions have been cancelled until further notice
– All deliveries will be delivered to the front door only – no delivery personnel will enter the centre.
– The use of playdough and shared sensory experiences within the rooms will be removed from the program temporarily.
– Increased vigilance by staff to ensure that all mouthed toys are removed from play and sanitised before being returned.
– All visitors to the centre have been cancelled – this includes but is not limited to OT’s, Speech therapists, Inclusion support facilitators. All family events have also been cancelled such as Easter hat parade, Grandparents day etc.
– All excursion – (including vacation care excursions) have been cancelled. All centre events by performer/business or in-house centre event have been cancelled or rescheduled.
– 14 day self-isolation – advising staff and parents of the latest advice from the Department of Health for self-quarantining and testing based on travel and contact with those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Exclusion of families based on the above information.
– Advising staff, children and families who are unwell are asked not to attend the centre, this includes cold/ flu-like symptoms and in particular, fever, coughs, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, shortness of breath and respiratory illness.
– Staff or children who become unwell with cold/flu-like symptoms and temperatures while at the centre will be sent home immediately with medical advice requested and followed up.
– Due to the shortage of food supplies menus/daily meals may need to change to an alternate meal/menu. This will be at the cook’s/centre NS discretion based on supplies available. All menu/meal changes will be displayed on the daily menu board for families. Centres will endeavour to ensure daily requirements are met each day in relation to dietary requirements, but this may not always be possible due to supermarket restrictions.
In addition to our current practices, the updated practices include:
– Families are no longer permitted to enter services. Delivery and collection of children will be done outside the centre entries;
– Taking and recording temperatures of all children and staff using a non-contact forehead thermometer before entering the service. Children and staff with a temperature recorded of 38 degrees or higher will be excluded from the centre;
– All staff have received the seasonal influenza vaccination or are scheduled to receive their seasonal influenza vaccination before 1st May 2020 and will be excluded from entering the services after this date if they are not vaccinated against influenza as recommended by the AHPPC;
– Shoes will not be permitted to be worn inside the Nursery rooms (0-2 years). Socks only are the be worn within the 0-2 year old rooms. Centre clogs are to be worn when entering the children’s bathroom and when outside and are to be removed before going back into the children’s play room.
We would like to thank you all for your cooperation and support at this time. If you have any questions in regards to our services and practices please don’t hesitate to contact your service Nominated Supervisor.