Tillys Chisholm would like to give a BIG thank you to NSW RFS – Thornton Brigade for visiting our centre this week. The morning was filled with some very excited children as they saw the truck pull up in the car park. The Bottlebrush children were lucky enough to meet with Kat and hear about fire safety and learn about what to do in case of an emergency. The children were able to confidently answer the questions about fire safety as we have been learning about it throughout our week of practice evacuation drills. All the children were given the opportunity to sit on the truck with Bec and fight fires with Captain Pete. When the truck left the car park, Gary turned on the sirens and lights for the children to see and hear. The children were so amazed and excited about this incursion and were very appreciative of the special firefighter hats they received from the brigade.
Thank you for visiting our centre and thank you for all that you do for our community, Thornton RFS.