Today at Bolwarra, our OOSH room was turned into Hogwarts! 

Everyone entered through Platform 9 3/4 for a magical day. After the sorting hat decided our fates we made ties in our house colours so we all knew where we belonged.
We learnt some magic spells to use our magic wands for; we tried “wingardium leviosa” to make objects fly.. lucky for our director Stacey we couldn’t master that magic of flight and we all stayed on the ground!
We created potions
.. so hopefully no one turns into a cat tonight…. During our free play activities we listened to Harry Potter music and shared stories. Emerson informed us that he has been to the REAL hogwarts and saw the trolley in the wall on Platform 9 3/4!

We really did have a wonderful day! Thank you educator Danielle for organising such a fun and exciting visit to Hogwarts for our Vacation Care program. We can’t wait to see what amazing experiences are planned next!